Single show licence makes FocusTrack more accessible than ever
22nd September 2010

FocusTrack, the production lighting documentation system, is pleased to announce a new purchasing option designed to make FocusTrack even more accessible than before.
FocusTrack's new Single Show option enables the purchase of FocusTrack for one single production for a cost of just UK£245 - US$375.
This compares to the original Full FocusTrack licence at UK£400 or US$600. That licensing option is still available for those looking to use FocusTrack to document multiple productions. In addition, FocusTrack is available to students for UK£90 or US$140.
"When we first launched FocusTrack, I thought that programmers would be the ones to buy it, since it directly saves them time and effort in tidying up and documenting the shows they work to create," comments FocusTrack's Rob Halliday. "In fact, in most cases programmers have persuaded the show to purchase it. Our new purchasing option is designed to ensure show producers offer less resistance when the lighting team decide to obtain FocusTrack for a show. As before, it will mean there ends up being an easily created, accurate record of the show lighting, allowing that lighting to be precisely maintained over the run of the show. It'll just cost a little less to achieve that! At the same time, designers, associates or programmers who want to work with FocusTrack across multiple productions can continue to do so exactly as before with the Full option."
FocusTrack is currently in use on an enormous range of productions, including Billy Elliot world-wide, Les Misérables touring the UK, The Addams Family in New York, South Pacific touring the US, and at English National Opera, the National Theatre and elsewhere. The system simplifies the creation of lighting documentation by processing the console showfile to generate information automatically, and then controlling the console and a digital camera to dramatically speed up the process of recording focuses. Kevin J Barry, Head Electrician for Billy Elliot in the US, calls it "the most comprehensive lighting tracking system I have ever used; an indispensable tool that allows me to keep every focus on target."
FocusTrack can be purchased from this website, here. The latest version of the software, which adds a host of new features including Fault Logging and support for use on iPhones and iPads, can also be downloaded from the website, here. The software, available for PC or Mac, offers a demo mode, allowing it to be evaluated prior to purchase.